And I didn't think about it again, even I said that I want to make it at home, I just forgot about it. Until last night, while playing game, I saw it in my game and I think it's calling me, ^^.
There are many ways of putting the cheese into the curry, place it over the rice and pour hot curry over it, or place it on a plate and top with hot cooked rice and curry. For me I choose to put my cheese into the pan, why? It's easier and the cheese will become one part of the curry (and it's so tempting, as the top of the curry filled with melted cheese in golden color, and you will get cheese on each spoonful, sound good?).
When I finish melting the cheese over the top of my curry, my niece just came back from school. She asked me about this dish and said she wanted to try it (she's only 5 years old!). I'm so excited, because she rarely eat anything spicy. Luckily I use medium heat curry roux so it's not too hot. The dish that you see in the photo is what I prepared for her, and she finished all of it, haha, I'm so happy. I think that if you want your children to try curry dish you can borrow my trick, hehe as children always welcome cheese. And I think it's a great comfort food for grown up too.
Japanese Cheese curry
Serve 2-3 people (depend on how hungry you are)
200g ................................. Potatoes, peeled and cut into small dices
50g ................................... Carrots, peeled and cut into small dices
120g ................................. Onion, peeled and finely sliced
100g ................................. Chicken thigh, boned and cut into small pieces
50g ................................... Japanese curry roux (カレールー) chopped
1tbsp ................................. Olive oil
1tbsp ................................ Brown sugar
1/2tsp ................................ Salt, add more or less to suit your taste
50-60g .............................. Meltable cheese (Mozzarella, Gruyère, Fontina or whatever you like ^^)
.......................................... Rice, to serve
Place 14cm pan over low heat, put oil into the pan.
When the pan become hot put the onion slices into the pan.
Stir and cook until soften.
Put the chicken pieces into the pan.
Stir until lightly cook.
Put the potatoes and carrots into the pan and pour water into the pan.
Bring to boil.
Put chopped curry roux into the pan, stir and let the mixture boil.
Put the brown sugar into the pan, stir to combine.
Use the lowest heat and simmering the curry for 2 hours (stirring from time to prevent the curry stick to the pan), and add more water if need, season with salt.
The curry will become thick.
Before serving, reheat the curry to boil, and sprinkle the cheese over the top.
Grill for 4-5 minutes (the time depends on your type of cheese too).
Serve hot.
Japanese Cheese curry: My delicious comfort food