And I still love it, but having Hello Kitty on everything is a bit frightening imagination now, haha. But for children, it's not. I wanted to make this cake for my niece, and think that she will love it.
This cake is very easy to make, as the batter for making the pattern is easy to work with. It's made from butter, sugar, flour and egg white, so it will become firm after freezing. For the cake, it's chiffon, I developed this recipe as I want very velvety roll cake (not too spongy ^^). It's soft but firm enough to hold itself, and there are no contrast in texture between the cake and pattern when eating.
I made the video for this recipe too ^^, and you can see how to make it here.
Hello Kitty Rolled Cake
Make 30x30 cm roll cake
25g ...................... Butter, soft
25g ...................... Icing sugar
25g ...................... Cake flour
25g ...................... Egg whites
............................. Red, black and yellow food colouring
Cake batter
90g ...................... Cake flour
1/2tsp .................. Baking powder
50g ...................... Granulated sugar (A)
3 .......................... Egg yolks
1/8tsp .................. Salt
50g ...................... Oil (I use rice bran oil)
35g ...................... Water
35g ...................... Evaporated milk
1/2tsp .................. Vanilla extract
3 .......................... Egg whites
1/8tsp ................... Cream of tartar
60g ....................... Granulated sugar (B)
220g ..................... Whipping cream
20g ....................... Icing sugar
1/2tsp ................... Vanilla extract.
Line the 30x30cm pan with double layers of baking paper.
Make the Pattern batter:
Put the butter, icing sugar, cake flour and egg white into a bowl, beat to combine.
Divide into 3 bowl and mix with colouring.
Put the coloured batter into a small plastic bag.
Place the pattern until one layer of baking paper.
Cut the tip of the plastic bag and draw the pattern with the batter.
After finished drawing, freeze the pan in the freezer for 30 minutes.
Make the cake batter:
Preheat the oven to 180C
Sift the flour and baking powder together.
Put the egg yolks into a bowl, mix it with sugar (A).
After the mixture became pale in colour, add the oil, evaporated milk, water, salt and whisk to combine.
Pour the flour mixture into the bowl, whisk to combine, add the vanilla extract, whisk to combine, then set aside while making the meringue.
Whisk the egg whites with cream of tartar until foamy, add the sugar(B), gradually and whip until soft and glossy peaks formed.
Spoon 1/3 of the meringue into the egg yolk mixture, whisk to combine.
The fold the rest of the meringue with spatula in 3-4 additions.
The batter will be smooth.
Pour the batter onto the prepared pan, and level it.
Knock the pan lightly to remove large air bubble.
Bake for 14-15 minutes.
After baking, remove the pan from the oven.
Use a small palette knife to release the cake from the pan, and place one piece of baking paper on top of the cake, turn the cake over and remove the pan and baking paper.
Place another piece of baking paper over the cake, and turn it over again.
Roll the cake into cylinder and let it cool completely on a wire rack.
When the cake cool, whip the whipping cream with icing sugar and vanilla extract until soft peaks formed.
Unroll the cake, and spread the whipped cream over the cake, and roll it.
Refrigerate before serving.
Hello Kitty Rolled Cake: Cute rolled cake