Custard Ice cream:Very indulgent, very delicious

I still spend my day in my kitchen, there are so many things I want to do and it's not easy to be able to do them all. As my list is longer and longer everyday.
24 hours are not enough for me, but my sister said that if I have 48 hours per day, I will think that it's not enough again, haha. May be she is right, because I would add a lot of activity into my 48 hours and say that I need more time. 
One thing that I really want to do is "trying at least 1 recipe from each cookbook that I have". It's one of my mission ^^, as you know that I have too many cookbooks, even I read them but it will be better if I can use them. So, each time that I get new cookbook, I will open it and stick a piece of sticky note (small one) on the recipe that I want to try. It's funny that some book will have a lot of sticky notes hanging out of it, but it's a habit that I think it helps help me a lot.
Usually I will choose the recipe that doesn't need a lot of preparation (well if it's the first recipe from new book and it's not as good as I hope it will drain a load of my energy, haha). With this way, I use many recipes from my cookbooks lately. 
But I still have problem with my equipments and gadgets, haha, I bought a lot of them whenever I traveled, I have to use them more too. That's why I made this delicious ice cream. I bought this ice cream cone holder from Japan, and really want to use it, ^^. So, I make simple custard ice cream, it's a bit creamy than normal vanilla ice cream and have more egg yolks. 
You can serve it with caramel sauce (imagine, it's a custard, hehe), but if you want more grown-up taste, serve it with a splash of liquor (chocolate, coffee, vanilla, Irish cream or etc.), it's very indulgent and very delicious 

 Custard Ice cream

200g ................................... Whipping cream
175g .................................... Whole milk
4 .......................................... Egg yolks
85g ...................................... Granulated sugar
............................................. Pinch of salt

 Put egg yolks, granulated sugar, and pinch of salt in a heavy base medium saucepan, and whisk to combine.
 Put milk and whipping cream in a pan and bring to boil, or boil it in a microwave at 600W for 2-3 minutes. 
Pour the hot mixture into the saucepan, whisk all the time.

 Place the saucepan over low heat, whisk all the time until the temperature reach 82C.

 Pour the mixture pass a sieve into a bowl, let the mixture cool completely.
Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for overnight or 12 hours.

Pour into the ice cream making machine, and churn according to the manufacturer's instructions.
When the churning is completed, put the ice cream into a freezer-proof container, place baking paper or a piece of plastic wrap directly on the ice cream, freeze until firm enough to scoop.

For children: Serve with sprinkle or caramel sauce.
For grown-up: Serve with a splash of liquor (chocolate, coffee, vanilla, Irish cream or etc.)

Custard Ice cream:Very indulgent, very delicious