Granola Bars: Love and energy packed!

Food on the go, packed with energy and goodness this bar will be your best companion when you travel.
Actually I made these for my sister, as she started going to yoga class (she want to be yoga teacher ^^), she told me that when she studies, she's so tried but can't eat anything much. So, I think this little snack can help. It gives enough of energy for her to keep study but not weight her down. 
I love to use Muesli for granola base, as it contains many kinds of grains, but look for the one without fruit as you need to bake the grain and fruit separately. It's easy to make, and when you make it yourself you can choose different kinds of ingredients, it's quite fun for me, hehe. Make it and keep it for yourself to have as breakfast, snack or any time that you want or give it as a gift for someone who always in a rush to keep them going a long way ^^. 

Granola Bars
Make 23x23cm 

375g ....................................... Muesli (without fruit)
50g .......................................... Nuts (I use half sliced almond, half chopped pecan)
55g .......................................... Unsalted butter
100g ........................................ Brown sugar
 ................................................ Pinch of salt
160g ........................................ Honey
30ml ........................................ Fruit juice (apple, orange or pomegranate)
225g ........................................ Dried fruits (I use apples, cranberries and raisins, cut into small pieces)

Preheat the oven to 160C

Put Muesli and nuts in a baking sheet. 
Bake for 15-25 minutes or until pale golden.
Put the butter, brown sugar, salt, honey and fruit juice together in a medium saucepan.
Place over medium heat and let the mixture boil for 5 minutes.
Mix the baked muesli, nut with dried fruit and hot honey mixture.

Line 23x23cm pan with baking paper.
Put into prepared pan, press to smooth the top.
Bake for 35-40 minutes or until golden brown.
Let the granola cool and set before cut into pieces.

Granola Bars: Love and energy packed!